Dungeon23 – Month 1, Room 2

A plain looking fountain is the only thing found in this chamber aside from doors set into the West, South, and East walls. There is a circular shaft above the fountain that opens up to the sky far above.

The water of the fountain has one of two effects based on the time of day:

Midnight – Midday: Removes active ailments such as poison, paralysis, etc.
Midday – Midnight: Heals all lost HP, recovers from active Wounds, etc.

This room was built using Dungeon Scrawl

Entryway with grid

Dungeon23 – Month 1, Room 1

Though forgotten by time, as soon as the massive double stone doors are begrudgingly forced open magical lamps burst with flame to illuminate an entryway untouched by living things for uncounted years. A long, regal rug stretches from the entrance to an opening on the opposing side and is lined by four columns – two on each side.

This is just an entryway, though the lighting is magical in nature. There are no monsters and no traps, only the mystery of its existance.

Entryway with grid
Entryway without grid

New Year, New Projects!

Hello everyone! On this, the final day of 2022 I am starting to put my thoughts to paper…well, digital paper. My hope is to help those who want to be Game Masters to be the best Game Masters they can be! To encourage and inspire, to educate, and to show you it isn’t as difficult as you think it is. I won’t lie, it is a lot of work to spread your creative wings, but it wouldn’t be fun if it wasn’t a challenge, right?

I will conclude by saying goodbye to 2022 and hello to 2023 and to all of you who join me on this most grand adventure!